We are at the leading edge of change in providing Australian investors listed investment portfolios that have the added benefit of being professionally managed to each investors own investment objectives.
Investors have the benefit of complete portfolio transparency and beneficial ownership of securities (including personal tax positions, dividends and franking), while retaining the added benefit of having the portfolio professionally managed.
Performance may vary to actual investor performance due to investment model trading requirements at the individual investor account level. Performance shown beyond the model’s inception is provided as a guide only, and references the performance of an equivalent strategy from the underlying model manager.
The information on this website has been prepared without taking into account individual investor's objectives, financial situation or needs and is not financial product advice. Investors should therefore consider the appropriateness of the information, in light of their own objectives, financial situation or needs, before acting on the information. Where the information relates to the acquisition or possible acquisition of a particular financial product, the investor should obtain a copy of, and consider, the PDS available on this website, for that product before making any decision. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future performance. Returns are calculated after fees have been deducted, assuming reinvestment of distributions and before tax.
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VMAPS Model Managers
For the purpose of managing the asset selection within the investment models of VMAPS, Ventura has appointed specialist investment managers.
Morningstar Investment Management Australia Limited (ABN 54 071 808 501, AFSL 228986) is a leading provider of asset allocation, portfolio construction and investment research services with over 35 years experience in the United States, Australia and other international markets. Morningstar’s disciplined long-term, valuation driven approach is underpinned by an emphasis on preserving capital and undertaking meticulous comprehensive fundamental analysis of global asset classes and securities.
Dimensional Fund Advisors Australia Limited (ABN 46 065 937 671, AFSL 238 093) has been combining rigorous academic research with practical experience to deliver real-world investment solutions, for over 30 years. Using this approach, Dimensional seeks to deliver investment solutions that add value through careful design, implementation and execution.
Russell Investment Management Limited (ABN 53 068 338 974, AFSL 247 185), a global asset manager, is one of only a few firms that offers actively managed multi-asset portfolios and services that include advice, investments and implementation. Russell Investments provides solutions for institutional investors, financial advisers and individuals working with their advisers—using the firm’s core capabilities that extend across capital market insights, manager research, asset allocation, portfolio implementation and factor exposures— to help each achieve their desired investment outcomes.
Bennelong Australian Equity Partners (ABN 69 131 665 122, AFSL 296 806) is a boutique fund manager that invests in Australian listed equities. The business was founded in 2008 and is now established as an award winning and highly rated fund manager. BAEP believes that high quality companies with solid growth prospects are best positioned to grow value over time. Managing funds actively and according to a fundamental ‘core’ style, the team focuses on companies that exhibit an attractive combination of quality, growth and value attributes, with an underlying bias towards quality.
VMAPS Scheme Downloads
VMAPS Responsible Entity
Ventura Investment Management Limited (Ventura) is the responsible entity and issuer of the PDS for the Ventura Managed Account Portfolios (VMAPS). Established in 2001, Ventura has assisted in the managing of investor assets for over 15 years. Ventura is a wholly owned subsidiary of Centrepoint Alliance Limited (CAF), a diversified financial services business, listed on the Australian Stock Exchange.
VMAPS Administrator
Ventura has contracted with Praemium to provide the administration services for VMAPS. Praemium is a market leading provider of investment portfolio technology and management solutions with strengths in multi-asset administration. Its technology specialises in corporate action processing, CGT optimisation, and sophisticated tax and investment reporting.
VMAPS Custodian
HSBC Bank Australia Limited (ABN 48 006 434 162, AFSL 232 595) has been appointed as the custodian for the Scheme. HSBC’s role as custodian is limited to holding and maintaining assets of the Scheme on behalf, and as agent, of the Responsible Entity.
VMAPS Trustee
Diversa Trustees Limited (ABN 49 006 421 638, AFSL 235 153) specialises in superannuation trustee services and is regulated by the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority. Diversa Trustees Limited is the trustee and all investments in VMAPS Super are held by Diversa Trustees Limited, on investors behalf.
If you're ready to find out more about this fund or Ventura's offering then don't hesitate to get in touch.