Having the benefit of professional investment management, managed funds provide an robust structure for investment approaches that require significant diversification, or sophisticated investment instruments to better manage portfolio risk.

Diversified and single strategies

and single 

Professional management 



Performance shown prior to the fund’s inception is provided as a guide only, and references the performance of an equivalent strategy from the underlying model.

Direct investors of the Ventura Funds who have questions regarding their investment or fund forms, please contact Russell Investments Fund Operations: 


Tel: 1300 728 208 (in Australia)

Tel: +612 9229 5204 (outside Australia)

Fax: 1300 768 040 (in Australia)

Fax: +612 9229 5116 (outside Australia)



Russell Investment Management Ltd

GPO Box 3279

Sydney NSW 2001, Australia


Performance and product fact sheets are currently available at 

Note that from August this information will be available from


The information on this website has been prepared without taking into account individual investor's objectives, financial situation or needs and is not financial product advice. Investors should therefore consider the appropriateness of the information, in light of their own objectives, financial situation or needs, before acting on the information. Where the information relates to the acquisition or possible acquisition of a particular financial product, the investor should obtain a copy of, and consider, the PDS available on this website, for that product before making any decision. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future performance. Returns are calculated after fees have been deducted, assuming reinvestment of distributions and before tax.

Swipe left to view more

Fund/Model Name 1YR 3YR 5YR 7YR As of Profile
Ventura Growth 70 Fund 30 June 2022 download
Ventura Growth 90 Fund 30 June 2022 download
Ventura High Growth 100 Fund 30 June 2022 download
Ventura Conservative Fund 30 June 2022 download
Ventura Diversified 50 Fund 30 June 2022 download


Swipe left to view more

Fund/Model Name APIR Code Date Entry Exit History Distribution
Ventura Growth 70 Fund VEN0027AU {{getDate('S2V70A')}} {{getEntryPrice('S2V70A')}} {{getExitPrice('S2V70A')}} download download
Ventura Growth 90 Fund VEN0032AU {{getDate('S2V90A')}} {{getEntryPrice('S2V90A')}} {{getExitPrice('S2V90A')}} download download
Ventura High Growth 100 Fund VEN0009AU {{getDate('S2VHGF')}} {{getEntryPrice('S2VHGF')}} {{getExitPrice('S2VHGF')}} download download
Ventura Conservative Fund VEN0029AU {{getDate('S2VCSA')}} {{getEntryPrice('S2VCSA')}} {{getExitPrice('S2VCSA')}} download download
Ventura Diversified 50 Fund VEN0028AU {{getDate('S2V50A')}} {{getEntryPrice('S2V50A')}} {{getExitPrice('S2V50A')}} download download

Ventura (Russell Investment)

Russell Investment Management Limited (ABN 53 068 338 974, AFSL 247 185), a global asset manager, is one of only a few firms that offers actively managed multi-asset portfolios and services that include advice, investments and implementation. Russell Investments provides solutions for institutional investors, financial advisers and individuals working with their advisers—using the firm’s core capabilities that extend across capital market insights, manager research, asset allocation, portfolio implementation and factor exposures— to help each achieve their desired investment outcomes. 

Custodian and administrator

National Australia Bank Limited (ABN 12 004 044 937, AFSL 230 686) have been appointed in the roles of custodian of the assets and administrator of the funds. The custodian’s role is limited to holding the assets of the funds and is an appointed agent of the responsible entity. The custodian has no supervisory role for the operation of the funds and is not responsible for protecting investor interests.

Responsible entity

Russell Investment Management Limited (ABN 53 068 338 974, AFSL 247 185), a global asset manager, is one of only a few firms that offers actively managed multi-asset portfolios and services that include advice, investments and implementation. Russell Investments provides solutions for institutional investors, financial advisers and individuals working with their advisers—using the firm’s core capabilities that extend across capital market insights, manager research, asset allocation, portfolio implementation and factor exposures— to help each achieve their desired investment outcomes.